« Into the Hole in the Wall | Top PageInsanity Outside --- Living in Fear, part II »

2018年9月13日 (木)

Brats = Beast --- Living in Fear, part I

6th アルバム『Fear』収録の4曲目です。


Electric Guitars / Katze / Schecter HELLRAISER C-7 FR
Organ / Steinberg / Halion Sonic SE3
Keyboards / Steinberg / Halion Sonic SE3
Electric Bass / Katze / Ibanez 5strings Bass SDGR
Drums / FXpansion / BFD3
Voices / Samplig WAV file

Composed by Katze
Recorded in Yokohama from 2017.07.24 to 2018.09.12




« Into the Hole in the Wall | Top PageInsanity Outside --- Living in Fear, part II »


