

8th   2020年 7th   2020年 6th   2019年 5th   2017年
Grudge Nostalgia Fear Sorrow
4th   2015年 3rd   2005年 2nd   2002年 1st   1996年
Anger Calm Hate Pain
_th   yyyy年 _th   yyyy年 _th   yyyy年 9th   ????年
Vice (仮・制作中)


The 8th album     2020年


 Electric Guitar and Electric Bass / Katze
 Drums / Plug-in
 Composed by Katze
 Recorded, mixed and mastered in Yokohama from 2019.10.19 to 2020.08.02




The 7th album     2020年


 Electric Guitars, Acoustic Guitars, Mandolin, Banjo and Electric Bass / Katze
 Fiddle, Piano, Organ, Drums and Percussions / Plug-ins
 Composed by Katze
 Recorded in Yokohama from 2019.06.20 to 2020.02.11




The 6th album     2019年

 Electric Guitars, Acoustic Guitars and Electric Bass / Katze
 Piano, Organ, Synthesizer and Slap Bass / Plug-ins
 Drums and Percussions / Plug-ins (BFD3)
 Voices / Sampling WAV Files
 Composed by Katze
 Recorded in Yokohama from 2017.07.17 to 2019.05.25




The 5th album     2017年

 Electric Guitars, Acoustic Guitars and Electric Bass / Katze
 Organ, Piano, Clavinet and Brass / Plug-ins
 Drums and Percussions / Plug-ins (BFD3)
 Harmonica and Vocals / Sampling WAV Files
 Composed by Katze
 Recorded in Yokohama from 2015.05.29 to 2017.06.14




The 4th album     2015年


 Electric Guitars and Electric Bass / Katze
 Drums and Percussions / Plug-ins (BFD3, Superior Drummer 2.0 and EZ Drummer 2)
 Composed by Katze
 Recorded in Osaka from 2011.11.19 to 2014.12.07




The 3rd album     2005年


 Electric Guitars, Acoustic Guitars, Mandolin, Banjo, Electric Bass and Acoustic Bass / Katze
  Tweet / Chucky, Chick, Charmy, and Chello
 Drums, Percussions and Keyboards / Tone Generator
 Composed by Katze
 Recorded in Osaka from 2002.03.10 to 2005.04.02




The 2nd album     2002年


 Electric Guitars, Acoustic Guitars, Electric Bass and Narration/ Katze
 Drums, Percussions, Keyboards and Sound Effects/ Tone Generator
 Composed by Katze (except “No Pleasure” composed by M.S. and arranged by Katze)
 Recorded in Kyoto from 1996.10.26 to 1997.01.26 and Osaka from 1997.03.23 to 2002.02.10




The 1st album     1996年


 Electric Guitars, Acoustic Guitars, Electric Bass and Narration / Katze
 Drums, Percussions, Keyboards and Sound Effects / Tone Generator
 Composed by Katze
 Recorded in Yokohama and Kyoto from 1994.11.13 to 1996.09.29




The 9th album     ????年

 Vice  (仮・制作中)

 Electric Guitars, Acoustic Guitars and Electric Bass / Katze
 Drums, Flute and Death Voices / Plug-ins
 Normal Voices / Sampling Sound
 Sound Effects / Plug-in and Sampling Sound
 Composed by Katze
 Recorded in Yokohama from 2020.09.20 to ????.??.??


